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Category / Barber Scissor


Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
 Product ID:
 Product Name:
  Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
 Product ID:
 Product Name:
  Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
 Product ID:
 Product Name:
  Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
 Product ID:
 Product Name:
  Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
 Product ID:
 Product Name:
  Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
 Product ID:
 Product Name:
  Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
 Product ID:
 Product Name:
  Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.
 Product ID:
 Product Name:
  Barbar scissors
Professional Hair Cutting Scissor with razor edge. Mirror Finish. Available Sizes: 5.5", 6", 6.5" Other sizes can also be manufactured as per customer requirements. Options: Also available in Satin Finish, Multicolor Coating, Full Gold and Any Color.

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